
ARM Assembly: Sorting

After taking a hiatus for two years, I've started working with ARM assembly language again. I realized that the code I had been working on before had become a kind of utility library, so I rearranged the git repository to reflect that. While doing so, I noticed that my sorting libraries were in an incomplete state, so I decided to work on finishing them. The result is that I now have four working sort functions that all operate in place on an existing array of 32bit signed integers.

ARM Assembly: Binary Heaps

I got a Raspberry Pi for Christmas and I've been teaching myself ARM assembly. It's my first time working with assembly language, as I didn't take an systems architecture or OS fundamentals class in college. I'm slowly working on a Huffman Encoder, trying to use only native Linux system calls without making calls to other external libraries. This will be the first in a series of posts about this topic.